Shepherd Hill first opened in 1985 and absorbed Licking Memorial Hospital’s Memorial Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit (MARU) Program.
Dr. William Kennedy, a certified addictionologist and co-founder of MARU, had a vision of a self-contained, free-standing chemical dependency treatment center in Licking County. By 1983, a Board was established and fundraising efforts had begun.
Shepherd Hill became part of Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) on January 1, 1992. Many positive changes have occurred during Shepherd Hill’s association with LMHS.
The vision of Shepherd Hill has evolved through the decades to maintain state-of-the-art treatment programming. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria for levels and intensity of care have been adopted and adapted, and treatment is now delivered by a level of care basis. Patients are evaluated upon admission for the appropriate level of treatment needed and are reassessed weekly to determine the most appropriate level of care. New treatment programs have been designed to meet patient needs, which include Detox (Level IV), Rehab (Level III), Outpatient (Level II) and Aftercare (Level 1). Outpatient programs include day treatment, traditional intensive outpatient and the residential extended treatment experience. Psychiatric services include inpatient and outpatient medication management and counseling.
Shepherd Hill’s goals for the future remain consistent with Dr. Kennedy’s vision: to provide quality treatment for the disease of chemical dependency to the residents of Licking County and beyond. Shepherd Hill recognizes that the disease of chemical dependency knows no barriers of geography, occupation or status. Shepherd Hill continues to strive for new ways to reach those suffering with addiction and provide treatment and hope.