At Shepherd Hill, education is the first of our four primary treatment goals. We understand the importance of being educated on addiction as a disease. Knowledge allows you and your family to get the most out of treatment.
Families are crucial in successful recovery from addiction and mental health disorders. Shepherd Hill offers several opportunities for families to learn about these disorders and how they can help their loved one. All programs are free of charge.
Chemical Dependency Education
Saturday “Ask the Doc” Sessions
10:00 to 11:00 a.m., on the fourth Saturday of each month.
Families may ask questions of a physician knowledgeable in the field of substance use disorders. The goal is to help those attending increase their knowledge and understanding of the chronic, progressive nature of substance use disorders.
Family Programs
Family Programs are available as needed and as directed. They further educate and inform the families of patients about chemical dependency. The goal is to help families better understand the disease and how they have been affected by living with it. Families learn about 12-step programs available to assist them in their role of patient recovery.